Parent Academy

The entire family is involved in the PARENT ACADEMY
Our philosophy is based on the spontaneous involvement of the guest, who, during summer, discovers his passions, his hobbies, sport and, through a charismatic figure like the chief entertainer, will take part in afternoon rehearsals and will perform on stage in the evening with exceptional and exhilarating results. This is how the lawyer…. will perform in a lap dance show, a policemen will represent a cabaret scene, the foreign guest will dance the can can…. well, and then look at our formats! They tell you everything!

Our formats

  • Theatre and acting with a script and improvisation for our evening formats.
    We have realized some evening shows that foresee the participation of guests that, through an afternoon of light rehearsals, have become real actors, interpreting scripts
    reviewed as funny comedies: The Gladiator, Rocky Balboa, Star Trek, The Addams family… all worth a Standing ovation!
  • Music, dancing and…
    A “talent show” format or “the corrida”
    The chief entertainer will write a schedule of the various performances in the container called Talent Show. Some guests will want to sing a song, some others will be prepared by the staff for special performances.
  • The re-living swan death
    Cast: classical ballet dancer, weighing over 100 kg, dressed only with the tutu, will dance between spins and fifth position “en avant” making re-live our female entertainer (the swan) … and making the audience cry with laughter… Approximately 10 of such performances that for copyright reasons….we’ll show them to you.
  • The cabaret
    We have completely reviewed the cabaret since we kept hearing in all resorts comments like “always the same gags”. And it was true!
    Our G.P. producer has taken inspiration from tv formats such as Zelig, Colorado etc., to make the cabaret in our facilities actual, new, different, taking on scene also interactive gags: one to see is definitely the facebook gag with the PC which talks to the guest…
    For nostalgic and usual clients, we will also perform “the director”, “the statue” etc.
  • Musical
    We can take to the scene a musical in a structure with 3 entertainers. Ask us how we can do it!
  • Mr Funny
    Regarding the Mister evening, more than a runway show it will be the election of Mr Funny. An example: the candidates will be invited to show their biceps, triceps, quadriceps…dutifully oiled by our entertainers, as in the best body building competitions. The real and exhilarating key of the evening will be the choice of participants, who will be selected on criteria that do not include athleticism. The right candidates will be identified and after this first test, they will continue with a push-up competition calling Adriana and whatever else comes from the chief entertainer imagination. An exhilarating evening!
  • Dancing lessons
    Caribbean dances, salsa, bachata, salsa, twist, tango… and a lot of fun.
  • Sports & Tournaments
    Before taking the field, some briefings on the CONI sports’ behavioural code, then…. let’s go playing
  • Excursions and Day Trips
  • 15th of August!
    15 days of preparation. An interactive format with musicals’ and films’ frame, everything assembled and live performed with background projections of the original frames. Spectacular!

Summer Season

Each facility needs the right type of entertainment.

Winter Season

Our references from renowned accommodation facilities and associations in Trentino and alto Adige represent the guarantee of our precision and of the specialisation of our services.



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