Junior Academy

Below are listed some examples of labs that can be executed in the JUNIOR ACADEMY

  • Labs and music lessons
    During this course, the kids will learn the basics of singing, the correct use of the microphone and they will enjoy themselves preparing songs for the evening show in our “talent show” format.
    During this course the students will learn also to play some basic instruments.
  • Journalism labs
    The journalism labs offer the students the chance to enjoy themselves and to take an active role in preparing a magazine with the Academy news, the participants’ opinions etc… the kids will work in a critical way, expressing their creativity and being part of a staff that will publish a magazine on a two-week basis.
  • Theatre and acting labs
    This lab offers to its participants the opportunity to create their comedy or their cabaret show and to represent it, as they can test themselves with famous theatre pieces recommended by the entertainers. The kids will be involved in every step of the realization of the show, starting from the comedy or cabaret choice up to the representation, creating also the costumes for the representation.
  • Mini course for audio operator
    Much appreciated by teenagers.
  • First Aid Labs
    The kids will come to know the fundamental rescue techniques, including how to perform first aid and cardio-thoracic reanimation.
  • Open air activities
    Through open air activities, the students will learn various aspects of the surrounding environment: walking trips are foreseen, following ecological routes and various manual activities. At the same time, one of our main goals, is to teach the young generation to respect nature that surrounds us.
  • Craft work labs
    The participants will create crafted objects using various materials as clay, paper, thread, beads, wool, toothpicks, recycled material (cans, bottle caps) and much more.
  • Dancing school
    This lab is conceived to encourage students to develop their sense for rhythm and movement through music and traditional dances. Among the many dances that will be learned there are: Caribbean dances, salsa, bachata, twist, tango.
  • Sports & Tournaments
    Before taking the field, some briefings on the CONI sports’ behavioural code, then…. let’s go playing

Summer Season

Each facility needs the right type of entertainment.

Winter Season

Our references from renowned accommodation facilities and associations in Trentino and alto Adige represent the guarantee of our precision and of the specialisation of our services.



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